Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The End....of the year is coming.

Ok so I know I haven't made a post in a long time....This is what happens to many blogs out there, mine included. Anyway it's September now, not long till the end of this year...and the world. Nah I kid, 21 December 2012 isn't going to happen. Well there WILL BE a December 21st but nothing special is going to happen on that day probably except I'm going to get a hangover, just kidding.

Anyway this whole year has been pretty rough, all the news about people drowning themselves in "you know where" Reservoir....and...well a ton of other stuff like the rumor about PSLE being removed, and the amount of controversy related to that. I mean those who have taken PSLE take already what, still complain? They're still going to have an exam for Primary Schools, I hope. Don't want the younger generation to have too good a life *Evil Laughter.

The Lantern Festival is coming up! Who's excited? :D When I was a kid (cliche much yes), I used to walk around my neighborhood and play with the paper lanterns. It was just about the only time of the year I got to play with fire O.O except for birthdays that is. I hate mooncakes though, because it's a CAKE. No but really I'm not a cake fan, I don't like sweet stuff. That's one of the one million facts about me. Last time mooncake had less than 10 flavours now they have over 100(maybe?), and not all of them are even nice. have you tried eating DURIAN mooncake?? Ugh...

Yes I know alot of people are mugging like siao, based on the amount of "mugging" tweets I get on my timeline. Eh mug then mug lah must post on twitter meh? :P Jokes aside wish all of you good luck for your exams, PSLE O/N/A Levels or whatever. After the exams can throw all the books away burn all the exam papers!!

Anyway the latest news in case you dunno yet, is that the Budget Terminal is gonna zao from Changi Airport and a new Terminal 4 is going to be made. Idk if Terminal 4 is budget or not though, if not budget then really suay lah cos everytime go overseas don't even have a choice to go by budget airline or not. Go near countries like Hong Kong or Thailand also must go my SIA or Qatar or whatever.

Long post wow....alright if you're still reading this by now just wanna say thanks for all my followers on twitter and those that actually read this blog! I actually didn't think this blog would actually be this good o.o

Peace Out! (Or in...)

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